Man Its been so long I forgot how to start a sentence.
Last time I was here was 5 fucking years ago.
I remember sending an e-mail to my future self ten years ago in 2010. Now it is 2020. I keep checking my old mail for that but I never get the mail. I don't remember a single word I wrote on that email and I wanna remember. I don't remember anything anymore. It is boring. So boring.
Anyway Its been a long while. 2020 is an outrageous year. not a single dull moment. Remember the year you finished over twenty canvases? That was something you were very proud back then in 2020. Oh, so I am a painter now. Dear Melih from 2015; Can you believe you actually quit your job some time after 2015 and call yourself a painter ever since. Im sorry man you are still poor. But It is alright. You're better and you feel like yourself and you are more okay with your true self.
oh man It is still all about yourself.
It is kind of funny.